Richland Co., Ohio


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A Window Glass Plant in Butler

source:  BUTLER TIMES: 30 March 1907, Vol. XIV, No. XXX

PROPOSITION to build a window glass plant in Butler, Ohio.  Having secured options on the land now owned by A.M. Stewart, we propose to build a window glass plant of 30 pot capacity to employ 165 men having a pay roll monthly of from $12,000 to $15,000.  This plant will cost from $60,000 to $70,000 and be completed ready for operation on or before October 1, 1907.  The consideration we ask from the citizens is the purchase of 150 lots at an average price of $200 per lot.  But if the citizens fail to take the lots, then we will ask the town to make up the difference.  These lots are to be selected in Stewart’s addition to the town of Butler, from blue prints showing locations, and price: Said blue prints will be placed in the hands of a trustee to whom all moneys will be paid for lots so selected.  Said trustee will hold all money paid him for lots until the said Glass Plant is erected and ready for operation.  In case of failure of the parties named below to build said plant and comply with this contract, all money paid for said lots will be returned to subscribers and their subscriptions declared null and void by said trustee.  C.W. Cole, by R.R.F., R.R. Faulkner, and J.F. Adamson, Rep.   

SUBSCRIPTION FOR LOTS.  We the undersigned parties hereby agree to take and do hereby subscribe for the number of lots set opposite our respective names; said lots being in Stewart’s addition, and agree to pay therefore the sum of 8 for such lots as shell be selected by proposed purchasers from blue prints showing location of said lots.  Said blue prints will be made and placed in the hands of <<illegible text>> each purchaser of lot or lots selected and also receive the money for same.  We hereby agree that A.M. Stewart shall act as said trustee.  Terms of payment shall be as follows: 25% when blue prints are on file, 25% in 30 days, 25% in 60 days and 25% in 90 days, said money to be held by said trustee until said Glass Plant is in operation. A.M. Steward, 7; E.J. Ramey, 3; Vic Merrin, 3; Milt Wise, 3; W.E. Winkler, 3; Efflo McBride, 3; D.M. Brumback, 2; Loyd Neer, 2; T.A. Ink, 2; W.H. Sweatland, 2; A.B. Burkholder, 1; B.F. Oberlin, 1; A.W. Mishey, 1; Joseph Grubb, 1; Tom McCready, 1; Wm. Thuma, 1; Joe Staunton, 1; Harvey Solomon, 1; Dr. G.E. Sheets, 1; J.C. Nichols, 1; Jas. Daugherty, 1; Wm. Clapper, 1; John Law, 1; Francis McCready, 1; B.F. DeLong, 1; David McCready, 1; F.S. Culp, 2; Sam McBride, 1; W.M. Spohn, 1; Artie Aungst, 1; Jas. Bumpus, 1; Dan Spayde, 1; Jerry Dill, 1; Walter Pritchard, 1; Harry Swank, 1; Frank Crowner, 1; W.R. Johnston, 1; Chester Merrin, 1; W.W. Wilson, 2; Frank Scott, 1; Mrs. E.A. Plank, 2; J.F. Bemiller, 1; G.B. Keefer, 1; J.S. Garber, 1; McCready Bros., 2; Chas. Rusk, 1; Dr. Horn, 2; Geiselman & Bone, 3.  Very little soliciting has been done since Monday evening, owing to the fact that quite a number wishes to see the blue prints of the addition before deciding how many lots they wish.  County Surveyor Potts is now busy platting the land and by first of the week will have the blue prints all ready.  Mr. Stewart who has been appointed as trustee informs us that he will be under a $20,000 assurity indemnity bond, thus making all purchasers perfectly safe for money deposited with him.  The B.&O. Surveyors were here Thursday and layed out the side track to the grounds and have the ties and steel on the way for the siding.

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Friday, November 20, 2009